The Webwork Project home page

WeBWorK is an open-source online homework system for STEM courses. Serving students since 1996, WeBWorK is supported by the MAA and the NSF and comes with a Open Problem Library (OPL) of over 35,000 homework problems.

Formed in 2018, The WeBWorK Project (TWP) is a non-profit organization that coordinates a large volunteer community that supports the WeBWorK open source software. Members of TWP contribute new questions and features to WeBWorK, curate the open problem library, respond to help requests on the forum, and communicate WeBWorK advancements and research at conferences and in university settings.

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An example of a WeBWorK Problem – Student View

Students: this web site is a place where discussions about WeBWorK take place. We do have some general documentation for students, but if you are a student in a course that uses WeBWorK, this is likely not what you are looking for. Please, ask your course instructor for your class link.